Unbottled With Mike Wells
Unbottled With Mike Wells
#11 - How Breath Work And Cold Exposure Can Improve Our Lives With Sébastien Zappa
This week's episode is MAD interesting - Sébastien Zappa came on to spill his personal story about how he tackled his several-year battle with depression using cold exposure and a variety of breathing techniques. We discussed the Wim Hof breathing method, cold showers, the correct way to breathe throughout the day, and more importantly practical ways that you can get started with these methods today. It's safe to say that I'll be blasting myself with cold water at the end of my showers now, and making a more regular routine out of the Wim Hof breathing method, which you can do for yourself via this link: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/practice-the-method
You can connect with Sébastien via this link here: https://respire-aligne.com/
You can also stream my latest song, 'mission' via this link: https://open.spotify.com/track/233CSG56JjFLaKPSAVxCYV?si=59077f2376f049f8